How To Be A Morning Person

Are you wishing that you could become one of those rare morning people? The peeps that wake up feeling refreshed & energized, get in the morning workout or wrap up some work.

Here are five tips to help you achieve that early bird status!

  1. Create a morning schedule. Write down the things you’d like to complete in the morning, set a time for each – stick with it. Once you have gotten out of bed early for one or two weeks consistently, you’ll find it gets easier to do.
  2. Let the light in. Natural or artificial, light tells your brain its time to get up and get going. If your bedroom does not have large windows where you can open the blinds up, consider a timed lamp or a alarm clock with a light.
  3. Prep and eat breakfast. Many of us who chose to skip breakfast, this is the key to perking up your energy in the morning. By prepping protein-focused meals the night before or you can grab a yogurt or fruit to consume it right after you wake.
  4. Get your body moving. Short walk around your neighborhood or spin class, getting your blood pumping will wake up your body, it also has a ton of other benefits, like stress & anxiety reduction.
  5. Feed your mind. Stimulate your brain, do something you enjoy first thing in the morning by reading your favorite book, daily meditation, or setting intentions.
Good Morning

Happy Birthday Beth!

Wishing Beth Schellhammer a wonderful birthday, a year filled with love, joy, much success, and may all your wishes come true!
We are so blessed to have you in our lives, you work so hard, and we are grateful for everything that you do. You are are great mom, wife , and team member!